Proudly serving Seven Locks ES in Bethesda, MD
Help Fund Key Programs for Our Students!
A new school year is here, and the Seven Locks PTA plays a vital role in supporting our students,
teachers, and staff. Membership and donations are our #1 source of funding, reducing the need for additional fundraisers. PTA membership lasts one year and must be renewed each year.
It is critical that each family support the PTA to ensure the continued success of these programs.
Why support the PTA?
The PTA funds essential programs that enrich our school community, including but not limited to:
✔ Teacher & Classroom Support
✔ Academic Enrichment (Field Trips, Assemblies, Educational Software’s [e.g., Dreambox],
Geography Bowl)
✔ School and Community Events (Picnics, International Night, Skate Night, Science Fair, Variety
Show, Field Day, Kinder Orientation)
✔ Student Affairs (indoor/outdoor recess, fifth grade promotion celebration, and patrol picnic)
✔ Staff Appreciation & More!
How much does it cost?
A family membership costs:
However, membership dues cover only a small portion of our budget. To keep these programs running, we ask for a recommended donation of $75 per student (tax-deductible)—but any amount helps!
How to Get Started:
Step 1: Create or Update Your Account
✔ Back-to-School Picnic
✔ PTA Newsletter (Paws Online [POL])
✔ Variety Show, International Night, and more!
No account = No communication
Become a PTA Supporter
Once logged in, go to the PTA Membership tab to support the PTA with a membership and/or donation.
PTA Membership = Access to Directory + Financial Support + A Voice
While creating or updating an account does not automatically mean you’ve joined the PTA, becoming a PTA supporter will grant you access to our online directory and voting rights on PTA decisions (budget, board members, etc.).
How else can I support?
Supporting the PTA doesn’t require volunteering, though we always welcome it! Your financial
contribution directly funds these key programs.
If you’d like to volunteer, email the SLES PTA President at to explore
opportunities that fit your schedule. We are so grateful for our volunteers!
** Thank you for helping us create a stronger school community! **